463rd Bomb Group Historical Society 2023 Washington DC Reunion |
2023 Washington DC Reunion
Please Note: The easiest way to register for this
reunion is to fill out the form on the 15th Air Force Web Site (follow
link below). You can fill in the blanks and submit it electronically.
The 15th AF also accepts electonic payments through Zelle and Venmo. If
you choose to print our this form you will need to mail it to Dave
Blake, 15th AF Reunion Chairperson, along with a check.
Also, Please do not send any reunion monies to the 463rd Bomb Group! All payments must go directly to the 15thAir Force. 15th Air Force Reunion Web Site
Washington Itinerary Washington Menu Reunion Order Form
463rd Historical Society
P.O. Box 11045
Santa Ana, Ca. 92711