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463rd Historical Bombardment Group 2025 Chicago Reunion Hotel
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2024 Denver Reunion Hotel

September 24th to 28th, 2025

The hotel we have chosen is the Holiday Inn in the suburb of Oak Brook, IL. Oak Brook is located within walking distance of many restaurants and shopping. Conveniently located about 20 miles west of downtown Chicago and about 15 miles from O’Hare International Airport. Here is the hotel Information:


Holiday Inn  -  17W350 W 22nd St  -  Oak Brook, IL  -  60181


Group Rate is $119.00 (plus taxes) Buffet Breakfast included

Our Group Code is BGH

Hotel Phone Number: 630-833-3600


The cutoff date for room reservations is September 10, 2025. Members are responsible for making their own reservations.


Reservations will be handled online. Click on the link Below to register today:

 Online Reservations Here!

Note: When you go to the reservations page, you'll need to click on the "View Rates" button at the top left. When you enter the dates of the reunion , you'll see the 463rd name and the rate.

The easiest way to reserve a room is to use the link above. However, if you have any issues with making your reservations, we have a person dedicated to help. Her name is Fatima and her direct line at the hotel is: (847) 679-8900


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463rd Historical Society
P.O. Box 11045
Santa Ana, Ca. 92711