of the photos are named for the crew member who submitted the photo.
The Hustlin' Gal - #231759 Shot Down over
Ploesti 24 April 1944
Front Row L-R: John G. O'Keefe (nav); Robert
Masneri (cp); Anthony Naniotka (pilot) Roy B. Meyer (bomb); Howard E. Schuh (tg)
Back Row L-R: Alexander Spears (ro); Louis G. Smith (wg); Harry J. Majchrzak (wg); Jordan
F. Bell (ttg/eng); Haskel Smith (btg);
T/Sgt. Jacobs - Crew Chief
Photo courtesy of
Richard Drain, 774th
463rd Bomb Group Historical Society
P.O. Box 11045
Santa Ana, Ca. 92711