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463rd Bombardment Group Reunions
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2025 . . . Chicago, IL
Make sure you join us in the Windy City!
Click Here for

2024 . . . Denver Colorado
A grand time was had by all! See the photos!
Click Here for

2023 . . . Washington, DC
Make sure you join us as we attend our first reunion with the 15th Air Force!
Click Here for

2022 . . . New Orleans, LA
Third Time's the Charm.

Click Here for

2021 . . . New Orleans, LA
The New Orleans Reunion Has Been CANCELED due to COVID-19
Click Here for

2020 . . . New Orleans, LA

Click Here for
Cancelation Info

Sacsm.gif (5030 bytes)  2019 . . . Portland Oregon
Great visit to the "City of Roses!"
Photos Now Available!!!!
  Click Here for Portland Reunion Photos

Sacsm.gif (5030 bytes)  2018 . . . Charlotte North Carolina
A Wonderful time was had by all in the  "Queen City of the South!"
  Click Here for Charlotte Reunion Photos

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Sacsm.gif (5030 bytes)   2017 . . . Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
We had a great visit in the Iron City, Pittsburgh PA. Click on the link below for photos!
  Click Here for Pittsburgh Reunion Photos

Sacsm.gif (5030 bytes) 2016 . . . Omaha Nebraska
A great reunion in the country's heartland. Click on the link below for photos!
Click Here for Omaha Reunion Photos

Sacsm.gif (5030 bytes) 2015 . . . Seattle Washington
A memorable reunion for sure. Seattle produced our biggest turnout in years! Click on the link below to view the pictures!
Click Here for Seattle Reunion Photos

2014... Albuquerque, NM
Another Great reunion! From the memorable trip to Kirtland AFB to the Balloon Museum to the Nuclear Museum, it was one fun visit after another. Clcik on the link below for Photos

Click here for Albuquerque Photos!

Our visit to the Twin Cities was a memorable one. Many great trips, a wonderful hotel and great food.

 Click Here for Bloomington Photos

2012....DAYTON, OH
What a great reunion in Dayton! The group met in the birthplace of aviation and visited the Wright Brothers Museum, Carillon Historical Park and a memorable trip to Wright Patterson AFB to view the restoration of the original group plane "The Swoose." Click Here For Photos

Great reunion in beautiful Kansas City. We visited the WW I museum, ate lunch at Arthur's famous BBQ and the Harry Truman Presidential Library. Click Here for Photos

2010....RAPID CITY
Join the 463rd for another reunion! Everyone is invited invited to attend the 2010 reunion in Rapid City October 13 to October 17. Hotel arrangements have been made and the tours are being finalized.
Click Here For More Details....

 Another great 463rd Reunion! Everyone enjoyed the hospitality of Oklahoma City. The highlight was a visit by 463rd member Norman Lear. He was the keynote speaker at the banquet.

Another great 463rd Reunion! Everyone enjoyed the sights of our nation's capital and this was one of the best attended reunions. Highlights included the wreath laying ceremony at the Air Force Memorial.    

Dallas was yet another very successful and fun filled reunion for the 463rd. Tour stops included the JFK Museum and the Cavenaugh Air Museum. A lunch time viewing of "Stalag 17" was enjoyed by all.       

We met  in the "Mile High City" for Reunion 2006! Mother Nature set aside some perfect Autumn weather for us and we took advantage of it to tour the Rockies.

st-louis-arch-small.gif (4120 bytes) 2005....ST. LOUIS MISSOURI
We met in St. Louis for  another fun filled reunion of the 463rd Heavy Bombardment Group!

Chicagosm.gif (4457 bytes) 2004....OAK BROOK ILLINOIS
Another great reunion! We had an overflowing hospitality room nightly.The tour of Chicago and Drury Lane Theatre presentation was enjoyed by all.

Alamosm.gif (5319 bytes) 2003....SAN ANTONIO TEXAS
The San Antonio reunion was a big success. The hotel's hospitality was outstanding and the Riverwalk location was a big plus.

Arizonasm.gif (3521 bytes) 2002....SCOTTSDALE ARIZONA
The 463rd met at the beautiful Scottsdale Olde Towne Hotel in downtown Scottsdale for the 2002 reunion.

Bnasm.gif (5452 bytes) 2001....NASHVILLE TENNESSEE
The 463rd Bomb Group’s 2001 Reunion in Nashville was a great success! The weather cooperated and the day trips were fantastic.   

Indysm.gif (5826 bytes) 2000....INDIANAPOLIS INDIANA
The 463rd Bomb Group's 2000 Reunion in Indianapolis, In. was quite a success. A great time was had by all who attended!

Pnssm.gif (5039 bytes) 1999....PENSACOLA FLORIDA
Most attendees agreed that this year's reunion may have been the best yet. We occupied almost every room in the hotel!   

Sacsm.gif (5030 bytes) 1998....SACRAMENTO CALIFORNIA
The 463rd Bomb Group Historical Society's 1998 reunion in Sacramento, California was a wonderful success.

Sacsm.gif (5030 bytes) 1997....Bloomington Minnesota
The 463rd Bomb Group Historical Society's 1997 reunion in Bloomington, a suburb of Minneapolis.

463rd Historical Society
P.O. Box 11045
Santa Ana, Ca. 92711