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463rd Bomb Group Historical Society 2021 New Orleans Reunion
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2021 New Orleans Reunion CANCELED!

October 20th to 24th

It is with a heavy heart that we must announce that the 2021 463rd Bomb Group Reunion scheduled for October 20th to the 24th has been canceled due to the severity of the COVID-19 virus in and around the New Orleans area. We feel that we cannot provide a reasonable expectation of safety for our members given the circumstances.

Anyone who sent in their registration will be reimbursed in full, minus dues and donations. Anyone who has booked a room at the Embassy Suites in New Orleans should CANCEL that reservation. Stay tuned for more updates as they happen. We will be trying to reschedule this reunion for 2022.

Thank you and we hope that you and yours are safe and healthy. Please email Art Mendelsohn Jr. at artmendelsohnnospam@gmail.com (remove nospam)if you have any questions.



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463rd Historical Society
P.O. Box 11045
Santa Ana, Ca. 92711