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463rd Historical Bombardment Group 2013 Reunion
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2013 Bloomington Reunion

This was our second visit to the Twin Cities (the first time was in 1997) and it was just magical. The newly opened Radisson Blu Hotel was terrific. It was perhaps the nicest hotel the group has ever stayed in. On Thursday the St. Paul Gangster tour was the highlight of the week. However, the Friday tour of the Greatest Generation exhibit at the Minnesota History Center was very touching. Each night we were entertained by historian Joel Swindlehurst's slide presentation showcasing photos of the men and their planes from WW II. Visiting with the men and hearing their stories is always wonderful. Our banquet dinner was great and we were entertained by speakers Bob Clemens-President, Vince Parker of the 301st Bomb Group, and MC Stan Turner, veteran local television and radio personality (See the Video Below).



If anyone would like to provide photos of the reunion it would be most helpful. Please go to the contact page and email Art Mendelsohn Jr.


The Men of the fighting 463rd in Bloomington, September 2013

Click on the Images Below to Enlarge


Click this Link to See More Photos of the Bloomington Reunion courtesy of Carla Birchem, Daughter of Bob Clemens, 773rd


Click here to see a Video of our Saturday Night Banquet

Click here to see a Slide Show of our Saturday Night Banquet



463rd Historical Society
P.O. Box 11045
Santa Ana, Ca. 92711