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463rd Historical Bombardment Group 2012 Reunion
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The 2012 reunion in the Dayton, Ohio was a great success. Interest in the group reunions have been rekindled with the tour of the “Swoose” plane at Wright-Patterson AFB. Although the plane is still in pieces, with only the fuselage intact, it was a powerful moment for the men and their families. The group visited some very special places. From the Wright Brothers Museum, and Carillon Historical Park, to the outstanding tour of Wright-Pat and the National Air Force Museum including a wonderfully delicious lunch at the officer’s club. But maybe the high point of the visit to the base was the wreath-laying ceremony at the group plaque complete with Taps. What a great experience for the men! Also, this reunion featured many new family members, some whose fathers have passed on. It was great to see the enthusiasm and energy of these new folks and we hope to see them at future reunions!

Click on the photo to enlarge.....



Photos thanks to Marie Zehler, Daughter of Joe Mandly, 772nd, and

Suzanne Arnett, Daughter of Art Mendelsohn Sr, 774th.

If you have photos you'd like to submit please contact Art Mendelsohn Jr at



463rd Historical Society
P.O. Box 11045
Santa Ana, Ca. 92711