463rd Historical Bombardment Group 1997 Bloomington Reunion |
1997 Bloomington Reunion September 3rd to the 7th, 1997 The Bloomington Reunion was the first "modern" reunion held in a 4 star hotel with a nightly hospitality room that was able to hold our large group all at once. This was the brain-child of reunion coordinator Art Teel, 775th, who threw a party no one who was there has ever forgoten. Unfortunately, we do not have any photos of that reunion. However, Art arranged to have a videographer film the entire banquet night. This includes interviews with individual veterans, a hilarious speaker in Paul Taylor, 774th, and the retirement of Gene Parker, 775th, who began organizing the reunions with the first one in 1980. All in all, this video is 2 1/2 hours long. Enjoy! Click on the picture below and a new tab will open so you can view the video on You Tube:
463rd Historical Society
P.O. Box 11045
Santa Ana, Ca. 92711