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463rd Bombardment Group Crew Photos
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Many of the photos are named for the crew member who submitted the photo.
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Standing L-R: Lt. Lyle Williams, Bombardier; Lt. Steve Welter, Co-Pilot; Lt. Donald Weersing. Pilot; Lt. Eugene Jaeger, Navigator

Kneeling L-R:: S/Sgt Clair Crissman, Waist; Sgt. Joseph B. Harrington, Waist; Sgt. Joseph Kirkpatrick, Radio Operator;
Sgt. Kenneth Sharp, Engineer; Sgt. Lloyd Johnson, Tail Gunner; Sgt. Lawrence Crebs, Ball Turrett

Photo Courtesy of Lawrence Crebs, 773rd

463rd Historical Society
P.O. Box 11045
Santa Ana, Ca. 92711