 Top L-R: Art Mendelsohn (radio);
Unidentified Navigator; Bertil Landstrom (pilot); Winfred Ford, Jr. (co-pilot); Henry
Portman (bombardier)
Bottom L-R: Arthur Wiebe (top turret/eng);
Robert King (waist); LaVern Aleckson (tail); Charles Stearns (ball turret); Howard Avery
Photo courtesy of
Art Mendelsohn Jr., Son of Art
Mendelsohn Sr., 774th

Back: L-R: Art Wiebe,
Henry Portman, Bertil Landstrom, Winfield Ford, Lester Lewis
L-R: Laverne Aleckson, Robert King, Arthur Mendelsohn, Charlie Stearns,
Howard Avery
at MacDill Field, Tampa, FL, Aug. 1944, Courtesy of Howard Avery |