of the photos are named for the crew member who submitted the photo.
Ralph H. Hearn-S/Sgt-armor/gunner, Charles
W.Fowler,S/Sgt-Waist Gunner, Carl O. Edwards, Jr.-T/Sgt-Eng/Gunner, Ralph
(Bud)Stadler-1stLt.-pilot, Thomas W. Bean, Jr.-Lt- Co-Pilot,Raymond G. Howard, S/Sgt-Ball
Turret Gunner, William D. Ray, Jr.T/Sgt-Radio Operator/Gunner, William J. Pfeiffer,
S/Sgt-Tail Gunner, and not pictured are: William D.,Lt-Navigator,and Harvey J.
Photo courtesy of
Sherri Steckel, daughter of Ralph (Bud) Stadler, 775th
463rd Bomb Group Historical Society
P.O. Box 11045
Santa Ana, Ca. 92711