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463rd Bombardment Group Crew Photos
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Many of the photos are named for the crew member who submitted the photo.
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Standing Left to Right: John King, Armorer; Milton Snavely, Bombardier; Louis Kall, Navigator; Freeland Dunker, Pilot; August Boehme, Co-Pilot; Ralph Dascombe, Tail Gunner. Kneeling Left to Right: Hugh Bradley, Top Turret; Morris LaDue, Ball Turret; Salvator Cestaro, Radio; James Stefel, Waist Gunner.

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"Hershey Wolves" at MacDill AFB in Florida Prior to shipping out.

Standing Left to Right: Louis Kall, August Boehme, Milton Snavely, Freeland Dunker. Kneeling Left to Right: Claude Yates, John King, Morris LaDue, Salvator Cestaro, James Stefel, Hugh Bradley

Photos courtesy of April Stefel, daughter of James Stefel, 774th

463rd Bomb Group Historical Society
P.O. Box 11045
Santa Ana, Ca. 92711