
Standing Left to Right: John King,
Armorer; Milton Snavely, Bombardier; Louis Kall, Navigator; Freeland Dunker, Pilot; August
Boehme, Co-Pilot; Ralph Dascombe, Tail Gunner. Kneeling Left to Right: Hugh Bradley, Top
Turret; Morris LaDue, Ball Turret; Salvator Cestaro, Radio; James Stefel, Waist Gunner. |

"Hershey Wolves" at
MacDill AFB in Florida Prior to shipping out.
Standing Left to Right: Louis Kall, August Boehme, Milton
Snavely, Freeland Dunker. Kneeling Left to Right: Claude Yates, John King, Morris LaDue,
Salvator Cestaro, James Stefel, Hugh Bradley |
Photos courtesy of
April Stefel, daughter of James Stefel, 774th |