of the photos are named for the crew member who submitted the photo.
2nd Lt Bernard
"Barney" G. Wetta (co-pilot) -
third from left bottom row
Also includes: (Not
in Order)
2nd Lt. Benjamin Del Negro (pilot)2nd Lt. Sam C. Sneed (Bombardier)F/O Orville Royer (Navigator)Cpl. Gerald L. Eppley (Tail Gunner)Sgt. MarvinL Burns (Waist Gunner)Cpl. Nap S. Chavez (Radio Operator)Cpl. Douglas W. Blacker (Ball T Gunner)Cpl. Bill W. Scott (Armament Guns)Cpl. Clifford J. Powers ( Engineer)
Photo Courtesy of
Marilyn Pullen, Daughter of Benard Wetta, 775th
463rd Bomb Group Historical Society
P.O. Box 11045
Santa Ana, Ca. 92711