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463rd Bombardment Group Crew Photos
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Many of the photos are named for the crew member who submitted the photo.
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Standing:  L - R:  Ross Lehman (bombardier); Edwin Amthor (co-pilot); Clayton Kort (pilot); Bill Parsons (navigator)

Kneeling:  L - R:  Ed Lowry (radio); Louis Yanez (ball turret); Thaddeus Purzycki [Ted Price*] (tail gunner); Cox, (left waist);
Caleb Moore (top turret-engineer); Stanley Zemgulis [Landon*] (right waist)
[*legally changed name]

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Photo courtesy:   Louis Yanez, 772nd

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Photo of the same crewmembers in the same order as above taken at the 2002 Reunion.


463rd Bomb Group Historical Society
P.O. Box 11045
Santa Ana, Ca. 92711