463rd Bomb Group Historical Society's "Kids" Facebook Page |
Attention: "Kids" of the 463rd Bomb Group - We now have our very own facebook page! Come and join us as we keep up with the latest Group news via the worlds most successful social media outlet. Kids are defined as all sons, daughters, nephews, nieces, grandsons, granddaughters, (and associated in-laws) etc., of the men who served as crewmen, ground crew and group headquarters members in the 463rd Bomb Group, 5th Wing, 15th Air Force, during World War II You must be a member of facebook to join the page. Membership is easy and free. All you need is an email address. Follow this link to facebook https://www.facebook.com/ , sign up and then type "Kids of the 463rd Bomb Group" in the search area. Join us today! |
463rd Historical Society
P.O. Box 11045
Santa Ana, Ca. 92711